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Sunday, August 21, 2011


Today, I want to be boundless. The fact that I won’t care even if the world sucks big time thrills me more than anything else in the world. No. I am neither being apathetic nor lethargic here.  If you were in my place, even you might not be able to explain it.

Today, I wouldn’t dare open the television. I would close my eyes so as not to provoke any bad aura. Then I would shut my ears, devoid of any human fumes, those endless seethes that seem to deaf me.

Today, I would try to forget my problems. I would lock them up in the deepest recesses of this fragile unconscious part of mine. Fastened.  Silenced.

Today, I wouldn’t read nor write. I would curb these imploring ideas; let them die in this hiatus I am letting myself to take.

Today, I wouldn’t dare think of passing any oral or written exams that I have to take. Let me remind myself that those craps won’t be able to define me. Not now. Not ever.

Today, I wouldn't cry, even a tear won't be shed. Let these emotions banish, fade like bubbles in thin air.

For once, I want to free myself from the world’s bondage. Being detached from this domain of norms and fixations was once my dream.

But I know even if I dare, these portions that I keep on pushing out of my life would still sneak their way through me. And no matter how I suppress it, they just won’t leave me. These imperfections, as long as I live, will always hold a fragment of me. 
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