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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Petrarchan sonnet

How lovely life can be? So long it lives,
It blooms like lilies out of mire and fray,
Hoists bracingly to the rhythm of the day,
In lieu of it thy tattered soul relives.
Exhilarating views of world it gives,
That mystifies thy dream in every way, 
But everlastingly thy heart retrieves.

Enthralling lullaby thy life might trace
Invigorating hum from dawn to toll.
'Tis intervention of all fleeting grace,
And that confers a man no choice to fall.
Bestows a man the right to love at ev'ry pace,
And to be unreservedly loved by all.

Measurement: iambic pentameter
rhyme scheme: abba abba cdcdcd
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