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Sunday, July 31, 2011

This sudden realization that I really miss my friends.

photo taken after Bianca's ballet performance at CCP (omg. she's awesome)

                                 Second year field trip ( photo taken at Calamba ,Laguna)

                     Overnight party at Dianne's house (it's her 17th birthday. kyaaaa~)

I miss my friends in high school. :\ Can't believe we're off in college without being in the same university.
Looking on our photos makes me realize a thing. We've changed. A lot. The same old smile is there, the same funny look. ., but I know in our hearts something's changed. We are not what we used to be. We became stronger and more mature. Some of us became more independent while others are set to get encouragement from other people. Nevertheless, I am still happy that we still stick together. I love them and I won't mind being with them for foreveeeeeeer. Too blessed to let people like them slip off my hands. :))

photos from Kadalejo's fan page . :)))
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